22 May

Yabancı Yöneticiniz ile Uyumlu bir Çalışma için Gerekli İngilizce İfadeler

Uyuşmazlıklar ve kişilik çatışmaları her iş yerinde meydana gelebilecek sorunlardır. Bu tür uyuşmazlıklar doğrudan ve üstü kapalı olarak ikiye ayrılabilir. Doğrudan bir uyuşmazlık üç durumda ortaya çıkar: belli bir konuda karşınızdakınin algısı sizinkiyle farklılık göstermektedir; farklı görüşlere sahipsinizdir veya ihtiyaçlarınız farklıdır. Üstü kapalı uyuşmazlık ise karşılıklı çatışmaların bir süredir devam ettiği ancak dışa vurulmadığı ve iki kişi arasındaki iletişimi engelleyerek verimliliği etkilediği durumlardır.

Bu tür bir uyuşmazlığı yabancı bir iş arkadaşı veya yönetici ile tecrübe etmeniz halinde, uyuşmazlığın yönetimi yabancı dilde iletişimden doğan yanlış anlaşılma ihtimali ile daha da hassas bir konu olacaktır.

Executive English Coaching blog yazılarında, iş hayatında karşınıza çıkabilecek uyuşmazlıkların çözümünde hangi İngilizce ifadeleri kullanmanız gerektiğini kişi ve duruma göre sıralanmış şekilde bulabilirsiniz. İş İngilizcesi becerilerinizi geliştirerek bu tür uyuşmazlıklarda İngilizce bariyerine takılmadan ilişkilerinizi doğru yönetebilirsiniz.  Bu ayki yazımızda yabancı yöneticiniz ile bir uyuşmazlık veya fikir ayrılığı yaşadığınızda kullanabileceğiniz profesyonel İngilizce ifadeleri farklı durumlara göre listeliyoruz.

  1. İşte Performans ile İlgiliyse
  • Thank you for taking the time to meet with me.
  • It is really important for me to (do a good job / create results).
  • Based on our conversation earlier about my performance, I want to make sure (you understand my point of view / I understand your point of view).
  • It seems as if you think (my report didn’t meet your expectations / I didn’t take enough leadership in this project).
  • Thank you for your candor.
  • Could you remember any specific examples you’d be willing to share with me?
  • Can you please tell me more specifically (what you wanted me to do in the meeting / what was wrong with my report)?
  • Thank you for your honesty and feedback. Can I have some time to think this over and schedule a meeting with you to continue the conversation?
  • I hear what you’re saying and very much respect your point of view. However, (I respectfully disagree / that is not how I see it).
  1. Yeterli Kaynak Olmadığında
  • Thank you for taking the time to meet with me.
  • I know times are tight now and we have to do more with less.
  • You have said that we need to be more creative with the resources we have.
  • However, it seems like I keep getting more and more on my plate with no additional help.
  • However, it seems like there is unrealistic planning going on.
  • Specifically, I am working 60 hours a week / I worked all weekend to prepare for the project meeting – and this was not the first time.
  • Do you have any suggestions?
  1. Haksızlık Yapıldığını Düşündüğünüzde
  • I have something I need to discuss with you. It is very important
  • When would you have time for me?
  • You want to know what it is about? I’d rather take the time to explain it to you in detail when we meet.
  • Thank you for taking the time to meet with me.
  • I have asked to meet because I am worried. I need to clarify the situation to make sure I understand what is going on and I’m not coming to any wrong conclusions.
  • I have observed that everybody else in my department (has gotten a raise / has been attending … / has been included in …. ).
  • Bringing up this topic is very difficult for me. I know that this may not have been done intentionally.
  • However, can you see how this could be very upsetting?
  • May I give you an example, so you can better understand?
  • I don’t want to mention any names, but I know for a fact that quite a few of our group have received considerable pay raises.
  • I am really disappointed since I had been waiting for such an opportunity for a long time and we had talked about it.
  1. Yöneticinizin Hemfikir Olmadığı bir Değişikliği Savunduğunuzda
  • I would like to talk to you about this new initiative. It may not be your top priority, but it would be helpful to schedule some time to discuss the way I should react to requests coming up. I need your advice.
  • What this change is trying to achieve is…
  • I understand that you need to be convinced before investing any time and money.
  • I would like to explore your point of view a little further.
  • Why do you think that (we don’t need any more people / our current strategy is working / this new process will not work)?
  • Are you saying that (you want to use the budget for other projects / the headcount may be going to a different department)?
  • What would it take to change your mind?
  • I remember several success stories from the past. Do you remember when we ….?
  • I’d like to recap the relevant aspects of this case. The top three benefits of this approach are …
  • Do I have your support?
  • With your approval, I will reach out to …….. and get his/her opinion.
  • I will get back to you by Friday.
  • There is also a Plan B. Would you like me to scope out more details of this plan?
  1. Yöneticiniz Sizin Katkınızı Küçümsediğinde
  • Thank you for agreeing to speak with me today.
  • This is a difficult issue to raise.
  • Your task orientation is very helpful. It makes us very productive. I am proud to be working on our team.
  • Please don’t take this the wrong way. It is clear from the assignments I have been getting that you believe I am a key team member.
  • Don’t get me wrong, I love my work here, but there is one thing that negatively affects my productivity.
  • I may be overly sensitive, but it would be really nice if you could tell me what is being done well (in this project / by me).
  • It would be very helpful for me to know what I am doing right so that I can make sure I keep doing that.
  • Your feedback helps me be better at my job. However, when you harp on a minor error, it is very discouraging and makes me question if I am doing anything right.
  • I have observed that my team’s contributions are never mentioned at the higher level meetings.
  • I would love it if we could walk through my main projects and define your expectations for success.
  1. Yöneticiniz Sizin Fikirlerinizi Dinlemediğinde
  • We have successfully worked for the ………… project. I feel comfortable and privileged to have you as my boss.
  • This is why I am going to share something with you that is difficult to express.
  • It seems like that when I present an idea, you are not listening.
  • I am not sure if you heard me correctly at our weekly meeting on ……. What I meant was …………..
  • I am interested in hearing your advice. I am wondering if there is a way I can present my ideas more clearly?
  • My objective is not that you do what I suggest, but that you at least hear it and potentially give me a feedback as to why it is not a workable idea.
  • Your direct comments will help me learn and be able to contribute more productively in the future.
  • Would it be helpful if set up a separate meeting with you when I have new ideas?
  • Would it be helpful if I followed up my suggestions with an e-mail explaining my thought process?
  • Thank you for your help.
  • I appreciate your point of view.
  • Going forward I will ……..
  • I am confident that this will help us be more productive in the future.

İş hayatında düşüncelerinizi, ihtiyaçlarınızı ve isteklerinizi İngilizcede doğru şekilde aktarmak için yalnızca İngilizce bilmek yeterli değildir. İş İngilizcesi veya profesyonel İngilizce bambaşka bir dildir. Genel İngilizce becerileriniz Intermediate seviyesine geldikten sonra profesyonel İngilizce öğrenmeye başlayabilirsiniz.

Ancak, iş hayatında kullanılan İngilizceyi öğrenmek için bir İngilizce öğretmeni ile değil, kurumsal hayatı yakından tanıyan, iş tecrübesine sahip ve ana dili seviyesinde İngilizce konuşan eğitmenler ile çalışmanız sizin daha kısa sürede, daha verimli bir şekilde profesyonel İngilizce konuşmanızı sağlayacaktır.

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